Hunter is our dare devil! Anything that you ask him not to do, you can bet that will be his next move. He is a smart boy with the most beautiful eyes. Hunter enjoys EATING, playing "MONSTER", running, jumping, climbing, (I think you get the picture) His best friend at daycare would have to be Solomon. The boys have the best love hate relationship ever. Since Hunter has been coming to daycare he has started to talk a lot more than before. He is known for adding "Le" or "du" in front of a word. "example.... Le Moo" means the cow. None of us speak French, that's just his thing. The center wouldn't be the same without this super cute, super busy little guy!
Working hard with a tower of play dough
Hunter would be happy if he could stay in water FOREVER!
At the daycare the children made Meatballs for lunch. What a great chef!
This may look like someone splashed him but no, Hunter likes to fill the Frisbee up with water and dump it over his own head. We laughed so hard we had tears in our eyes.
When we get ready to go outside we put sun screen in our hair. Hunter wanted a picture, he kept saying:
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