Thursday, March 5, 2009

AAAARRRRR we are pirates!

As we are an emergent center the staff have noticed the children are very interested in PIRATE! We have started to turn our daycare into a pirates wonderland. The children spend most of there time dressing like pirates and making all sort of ships. This idea will slowly lead us into the direction of sea life and then the beach! We are very excited to explore this idea with the children as it is fun for the staff aswell.

Blinged out Captain hook and his side kick minni hook

This is the couch pirate ship where Captin marshmellow and Captian hook like to sail into the great wide sea

Walk the plank!

Captain marshmellow getting herself ready to have some fun


Even pirates get hungry!


Unknown said...

Who were pirate marshmellow and pirate hook?

Harish said...

Hi, nice blog & good post. You have beautifully maintained it,Its really helpful for me, hope u have a wonderful day & awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

Child Care Centre