Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Learning About Cultures

Before the onset of the Holiday Season, the staff decided that this would be a good time to take some moments with the children to reflect upon our similarities and differences and to celebrate who we are as individuals and as part of cultures. After a quick visit to the Child Care Resource and Referral, Jayne came back armed with books and resources to help us in this important journey of discovery with the children.

Learning about different types of food is a great way to introduce different cultures. Here, some examples of different types of breads are introduced to begin this journey

Multicultural puppets are a fun way to introduce hair types, clothing types and skin colours.

To ensure that the children understood their own similarities and differences, they used self portrait mirrors to look at their own faces and were provided white pieces of paper and pencils in order to draw their own visions of themselves.

1 comment:

Mugundhan said...

Hi, nice blog & good post. You have beautifully maintained it,Its really helpful for me, hope u have a wonderful day & awaiting for more new post. KeepBlogging!

Child Care Centre